Sunday, June 13, 2010

An amazingly fun game

1850 point game on Saturday versus a different CSM player. An extremely entertaining game with lots of stuff happening on both sides. In hindsight I probably should have been more aggressive in this one (ironic) but I just came off of a game where I was too aggressive so I erred on the side of caution. Markerlights FTW win, but the Kroot get MVP for taking out 3 tanks!

I am pretty sure I just have to think more during my games. These battle reports are pretty good for me to look at and remember what I need to work on better. Apparently I am actually not that good, but I am getting better.



  1. "Not that good" is pushing it. I sometimes wonder about your plans during the game, but I'm not great at this either. That game, you probably should have pulled your guys up that were sitting around doing nothing. It was debatable if you should have ran back with your sniper squad the round before lash, but I thought you would have taken out those guys. Great job on the Defiler in round one, that's how pathfinders and hammerheads are supposed to work :)

    That was a crazy fun game to watch! I played that Chaos guy right before you did and our capture and control game ended in a draw. That game was great too. It's fun to play against someone who's excited about the game, and super friendly!

    Combine all that with the kindness of the store owner, and it was a great day. I'm definately going back to Phoenix Games again.

  2. @Sarafan
    Dude, I have won 2 games since I bought that camera. That's 17 recorded games plus 5 games I didn't record. I would say 2 wins out of 22 games is not super good. Granted it is a learning process I just have to use better tactics. That's why I started the blog :)


  3. I think that your list is week for your game style
    (as a tau player i watch fanatic your blogspot so i talk general and not only for this game)
    i suggest you sometime use this list


    Commander shas'o:
    targeting array
    h.w. multi tracker
    h.w. Drone controller
    2 shield drone
    CRISIS : missile-pod,plasma
    targeting array
    h.w. multi-tracker
    h.w. target lock
    CRISIS : missile pod,plasma
    h.w. multi tracker
    targeting array
    TEAM 1
    crisis:team leader,plasma,fusion
    h.w. multi-tracker
    2 shield drones
    crisis: m.tracker,plasma,fusion
    TEAM 2
    crisis: multi-tracker,fusion, flamer
    crisis: fusion,t.l. flamer
    5 pathfinders
    disruption pod
    6 firewarriors
    disruption pod
    6 firewarriors
    120 pts
    TEAM 1
    Broadside XV88
    stabilazation system
    team leader
    multi tracker
    drone controller
    black sun filter

    Broadside XV88
    stabilazation system

    2 shield drones
    Broadside XV88
    targeting array
    team leader
    multi tracker
    drone controller
    black sun filter
    target lock

    Broadside XV88
    targeting array

    2 shield drones
    burst cannons
    target lock
    multi tracker
    disruption pod
    black sun filter
    175 pts


    targeting array for better BS (3+) the missile pods is perfect against the light vehicles ( most of the players in 5th edition use mech armies with many transpots // you leave tha railguns for the heavy vehicles) and plasma gives a good defence against everything is coming back to my lines
    EVEN TERMINATORS...with a markelight all the squad hit at 2+ !!!!
    i use them to protect my lines for deep strikes
    with fusion and plasma they are a serius problem for your enemy
    sometimes i keep them to deep strike
    (i see first my enemy list so i know what is better for me)
    (...the pathfinders' devilfish with the reroll to deep strikes is awesome)
    2 crisis with flamers and fusions
    the first one with t.l fusion and flamer in the case you want to hit a vehicle
    and the other with t.l flamer and fusion in the case you want to hit horde infantry like ork or nids

    ....also i gave to crisis shield drones because otherwise is a very easy kill point for str8 weapons ...
    and different weapon systems for allocated wound
    otherwise 2 wounds and one dead
    piranha:Just 1,i keep it at reserve and it has given me many contests , or i use it like tankhunters if i play kill points

    ... firewarriors without devilfish... i keep them at reserve and when they come take pathfinders' devilfish and they stay back for my objectives and for defence
    (2 F.W. teams without devilfish-
    2 pathfinders team with devilfish)
    Heavy support
    the blacksun filter to the hammerhead does very good work if you play the nightfight scenario
    tHE same with broadsides teams

    Broadside team 1
    with stabi system in the case you play dawn of war

    team 2
    Why with targeting array ?
    OK i jsut preffer to have 2 t.l. raiguns with 3+ to hit
    (i know that is a problem if i play dawn of war scenario
    but in the case you play the other two scenarios is great)
    team leaders with target lock so i can hit more targets
    and multi trackers for more shouting against infantrys that are close to me

    ...I am sorry for the big post
    your blogspot is amazing
    keep the good working

  4. @Dooms:
    Nice post. Alrighty you are on, next battle report I do will be with the list you just posted.


  5. this is a great honour for me :)

    make use of it is a very heavy list
    with many plasma - fusions - railguns
    many shield drones
    and your oponnent must to roll many invu saves ;)

    At last for dawn of war (i hate this scenario too)
    a nice move if you deploy first
    is to place one
    devilfish with firewarriors
    in the middle of the table
    (exactly 24") in front of the position that your army latter came in, your opponent must go back 18"
    and at your moving phase take the devilfish 12" back to your lines

    is a nice trick specialy if you facing fast or horde armys

  6. @Krox
    Won 2 games, sure, but how many were a draw? Anyway, I see what you're saying, but I still don't think you give yourself enough credit.

    Interesting. I like the idea of 3 Fire Warrior squads. I think that's enough to be dangerous when the enemy gets in range, rather than waste the one squad that's there for fluff.

    Also, good plan on the DoW setup if you have first turn.

  7. @Sarafan
    I am probably just in a mindset where I want to crush the other person instead of going for the tie :D. I tend to be aggressive to try to get a win (in those tie games) and it doesn't work out for one reason or another.

    I am getting better though.
